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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 1508 French Valley

Coaches Corner

Coaches, Welcome to Your Special Corner at!

This is where you'll find important information to help you on your coaching journey. We'll do our best to keep this page up-to-date with useful resources. If there's anything you'd like to see added please let your Regional Coach Administrator or our Webmaster know.

Interested in Becoming a Coach? WATCH THIS VIDEO FIRST!

You can all check this Parent Guide out: ayso-parents-guide-102616-v3.pdf

Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the AYSO experience. If we don't have enough coaches, registration has to be scaled back and kids who want to play are turned away.

Coaches are essential to the game. They teach children soccer skills and help develop a healthy, positive attitude, teamwork and good sportsmanship. Coaching is a rewarding experience because you have the opportunity to build a child's self-esteem, help them learn new skills, all while having a lot of fun. Coaches will also get starter equipment and have the ability to set their practice day(s) and time.

Do you have little or no experience with soccer? No problem! We will teach you, based on the age level you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach.

To become an AYSO coach, login and click on volunteer. click on find volunteer roles, and then click on head coach for the division(s) you desire. Once that is done, you will need to complete a Sterling background check, California fingerprinting (email [email protected]), and online courses: Safe Sport, concussion awareness, Safe Haven, sudden cardiac arrest, the age appropriate coaching training, and be certified by attend a brief age-specific coaching course (only a few hours ling).

Contact your Coach Administrator if you have any questions.

Build Out Line with Video Examples

10U Build Out Line Additional Information

8U-10U Core

Background and Philosophy

The purpose of the build out line is to teach players how to advance the ball out of the back by keeping the ball in possession, now becoming the attacking team.  This will facilitate player development by allowing the attacking team the opportunity to receive and play the ball in a controlled method rather than the chaotic, more common method of punting the ball up the field and the ensuing scramble for possession (which is usually lost to the opposing team 80% of the time).

In addition, players learn to control the ball, have less opportunity to head the ball, and reduce the dangerous play of high kicking because the ball remains on the ground.

Application, Game Play, and Instructions to Referees with the Build Out Line

1. A build out line will be marked on the field approximately 1/2 the distance from the top of the penalty area to the midfield line (see Figure 1). This will be used for the attacking team, bringing the ball back into play, to have the opportunity to control and maintain the initial possession.
    a.  For example, a goal kick or the goalkeeper making a save and putting the ball back into play via a distribution by throwing the ball, rolling the ball or making a foot pass on the ground. 

2. The opposing team may cross the build out line once the ball is in play.
     a.  The ball is in play once the goalie has released the ball or the ball moves forward on a goal kick.
     b.  If the attacking team chooses to play the ball out by throwing, rolling, or with a foot pass while there are opponents inside the build out line, the ball is in play once released by the goalkeeper and does not need to be touched by a second attacking player.
     c.  If an opposing player crosses the build out line before the ball is in play (except when the attacking team decides to put the ball in play without waiting for all opponents to get across the build out line), the referee shall stop play and restart play by allowing the goalkeeper to retake the distribution.

     d.  For this player development method, the six second goalkeeper release requirement does not start until the opposing team has crossed the Build Out Line. However, the goalkeeper may not utilize this relief for the purposes of intentional time wasting on behalf of their team. If the Referee believes that time is intentionally being wasted as an advantage to their team, the Referee shall stop play and warn the goalkeeper to put the ball in play as soon as possible and add an appropriate amount of time to the game. If the goalkeeper continues to waste time intentionally, the goalkeeper may be cautioned and an Indirect Free Kick given to the opposing team.

    e.  The goalkeeper may participate in play by passing the ball to another player at any point on the field (no longer has to be behind the build-out line). Once play has proceeded beyond the build out line, the goalkeeper may play any ball that comes to them in any method they chose (e.g., pass, long kick, receive with the hands if within the penalty area, etc.). If this infringement occurs (the ball is kicked down field before it is worked up beyond the build out line), the Referee shall stop play and return the ball to the goalkeeper for proper restart as allowed above.

    f. Teams may not circumvent the intent of this rule in any manner. If the referee observes, and in their opinion determine, actions by a team are intended to circumvent the intent of this rule they are to stop play and explain to the coach that their team’s actions are not complying with the spirit and intent of the rule and conduct a restart by giving the ball back to the goalkeeper. If the team continues to attempt to circumvent the intent of the build out line, the referee shall whistle the play dead, award an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the point where the ball was last touched by a player, or when three seconds has expired, and the coach shall be cautioned for Unsporting Behavior and reported to the Region/Area for review and possible further action.

3. Goalkeepers can no longer punt or drop-kick the ball.  In doing this, the ball will be kept on the ground to reinforce development of soccer play out of the back, reduces opportunities of the ball hitting a player's head (following the 'No Header ' rule), and reduce the incidents of high kicking which could lead to player injuries.
   a.  A punt or drop-kick results in a retake of the distribution.

   b. Goalkeepers can pass (foot or throw) or roll the ball out to their team member either:
        i.  Prior to the other team moving past the build out line knowing that the opposing team can attack the ball sooner OR
        ii.  Wait until the opposing team has moved past the build out line to give them time and space to move the ball up field in a controlled fashion

4. The line to determine offside is the build out line (not the halfway line).

Division Guidelines

Division Guidelines for Core Program

The guidelines below apply to the Core program. Other programs, such as Select and Extra may follow special guidelines.

Region 1508 Specific Amendments

The amendments are specific to region 1508 
Region 1508 Guidelines

AYSO Official Rules

The Division Guidelines above follow AYSO National Rules, unless Regional Rules have been adopted by the Regional Board.
AYSO National Rules & Regulations

National Partners

AYSO 1508 Sponsors

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1508 French Valley

30724 Benton Road Suite C302, Mailbox #532
Winchester, California 92596

Email Us: [email protected]
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